
Switftness saves Lives.
First Aid without detours!

> Proven in everyday work



First aid without detours

The common way of alerting first responders is by posting emergency numbers. However, the colleagues are no longer on site every day, as they used to be. It is not clear from the notices which first responders are currently available, so an alert can go unnoticed.

The use of myFirstAid’s digital reporting process guarantees fast and reliable reporting to the responsible, present and available first responders. myFirstAid ensures that help can be provided quickly and efficiently in emergencies.

Dieses Bild beschreibt wie die Ersthelfer-App die Ersthelfer-Alarmierung digitalisiert. Große Telefonaushänge werden durch QR-Codes ersetzt.


Alerting procedure with myFirstAid

Injured Person is found
The reporting person finds the injured person or is present at the accident.
The reporting person goes to the nearest QR code and scans it with their cell phone. The data remains anonymous.
A Teams video call opens in the browser of the reported person’s cell phone.
Based on the data on the first responders, the responsible, present and available first responders are added to the call and the location is transmitted.

First aiders provide support along the way.

Dieses Bild stellt den Alarmierungsprozess der Ersthelfer-App in 5 Schritten vor.


How can available first responders be verified when they are in the office?

Dieses Bild beschreibt wie die Ersthelfer-App mit einem Check-In Formular integriert werden kann

First responders can log in and out of the office via an app implemented in Teams. The app is exclusively accessible to first responders and includes an automatic logout function as well as an optional warning system if the user forgets to log out.

Dieses Bild beschreibt wie die Ersthelfer-App mit einem Zugangskontroll-System integriert werden kann
If there is an access control system in the building, the first aiders can be identified and recorded via an interface to the ZuKo manufacturers.
Dieses Bild beschreibt wie die Ersthelfer-App mit einer Arbeitsplatzbuchung integriert werden kann
If a booking tool is in use, the exact location and booking duration can be tracked by booking a space.


FAQ - Why do I need the myFirstAid App?

Why myFirstAid?

In an emergency, it is crucial to receive help quickly and reliably. With the user-friendliness of myFirstAid, first responders present on site can be alerted within seconds. myFirstAid can be seamlessly integrated into existing systems and adapted to specific requirements within a company.

This ensures that legal requirements for first aid provision are met.

According to Section 26 (1) of DGUV Regulation 1, companies must guarantee that sufficient first aiders are available to provide first aid. With myFirstAid, it can be ensured that there are enough first aiders on site in times of home office.

§ Section 26 (1) DGUV Regulation 1 – Principles of prevention
The employer must ensure that at least the following number of first aiders are available to provide first aid:
One first aider for 2 to 20 insured persons present,
if there are more than 20 insured persons present
a) 5% in administrative and commercial enterprises,
b) 10% in other companies,
c) one first aider per group of children in day-care centers,
d) in universities 10% of the insured persons according to § 2 paragraph 1 number of the Social Security Code Seventh Book (SGB VII)

  • Violations of the accident prevention regulations of the DGUV, including the regulations on first aid, can lead to fines. Depending on the breach of regulations, high penalties can be imposed, usually similar to those under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

  • If an accident occurs due to failure to comply with the DGUV regulations, accident insurance providers could assert recourse claims against the company.
In offices, there are often people on site who are not employed by the company in question. Visitors, cleaning or service staff etc. may also find themselves in the situation of having to report an emergency. Reporting persons do not have to have an account in the company. Anyone can scan the displayed QR code with their smartphone to start the alarm. A call is automatically set up and the alerting or injured person is connected to the nearest first aider.
myFirstAid is integrated into the existing M365 application landscape. This not only increases the likelihood of the tool being used, but also offers a modern and effective solution for getting the right help quickly in an emergency.

> Further development. Always up to date.

Individual customization and services

nuuONE Service für Integration bei Desk Sharing, Teams Meetings datenschutzkunform aufnehmnuuONE Service für Integrationen und der Ersthelfer-App


nuuONE Service für Lizenzen bei Desk Sharing, Teams Meetings datenschutzkunform aufnehmen und der Ersthelfer-App


nuuONE Service für Support bei Desk Sharing, Teams Meetings datenschutzkunform aufnehmen und der Ersthelfer-App


nuuONE Service für Customizing bei Desk Sharing, Teams Meetings datenschutzkunform aufnehmen und der Ersthelfer-App


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