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The myConsent app can be used to obtain consent for the use of Copilot M365.

Grant consents and revocations digitally with an app - quickly, securely, and in compliance with data protection regulations


The myConsent app can be used to obtain consent for the use of Copilot M365.

Grant consents and revocations digitally with an app - quickly, securely, and in compliance with data protection regulations.


Issue and view consents digitally with the help of the myConsent app


Exclusive solution on the market

To date, there is no comparable tool on the market that fulfills the data protection requirements for Teams recordings in a single user-friendly application! The app is available via MS Teams and the new Outlook.

All feedback is pseudonymized. It is not possible for users to draw conclusions at any time, neither for meeting organizers nor for participants.

The meeting may not be recorded after the first rejection. No selection corresponds to a rejection.

The myConsent app was developed with a focus on user-friendliness.
The user interface enables every participant to document their approval or rejection quickly and easily. Feedback can be viewed immediately in the app by participants and meeting organizers.

The app always starts with today’s date. This enables meeting organizers to check the feedback before the respective date.

If one or more participants reject a meeting, this meeting is marked.

Whether in the office, working from home or on the go – approvals and rejections can be issued and feedback can be checked from anywhere.

Thanks to its seamless integration into Teams and the new Outlook, the myConsent app is easily accessible from any end device, whether smartphone or laptop.

Integration of the myConsent app in Office 365


Integration in MS Teams desktop and mobile version

The myConsent app is integrated directly into the desktop and mobile versions of Microsoft Teams, allowing users to access the app functions quickly and easily without having to leave the Teams interface. This enables efficient management of consents and preferences directly within the Teams collaboration platform.

myConsent can also be accessed directly via the browser either via the MS Teams web version or by entering a URL. Users can make and view their approvals and rejections directly from all end devices and at any time.

The integration of the myConsent App into the new Outlook allows users to manage their consents and declines directly from their email client. This simplifies the consent and opt-out management process by integrating it into the daily email & calendar routine, providing quick access to the myConsent App features.

FAQ - Why do I need the myConsent app?


Since the GDPR came into force in 2018, participants in meetings or conversations must give their consent to the recording of images and sound. This consent is required because recording in a Teams meeting is considered an invasion of privacy. Such recordings cannot be made without the voluntary, informed and verifiable consent of the participants. Violations, whether during customer calls or internal meetings, can be subject to fines.

One example of this is a fine of 400,000 euros 400,000 euros fine against manufacturing industry | 01.02.2020 | GDPR fines database ( for unauthorized recordings of customer calls.

Teams as a service in particular is a recurring focus of the supervisory authorities and is also scrutinized heavily during potential inspections.

  1. First of all, there is a clear violation of GDPR Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a):
    „Processing of personal data without obtaining consent or recording a Teams session without consent.“
    1. This can lead to fines of up to €20 million or, in the case of companies, up to 4% of annual global turnover.

  2. However, another criminal offense is often forgotten. According to § 201 StGB, the violation of „confidentiality of the word“ is punishable. This means that any recording without consent is, strictly speaking, a criminal offense.
    1. This can be punished with a prison sentence of up to three years or a fine.

  3. A third risk exists with regard to the frequently planned introduction of Copilot M365. The consensus under data protection law is that consent to the use of Copilot M365 must be obtained as part of a PoC and in particular for the full launch, as the AI only works with the transcription feature and this in turn constitutes an infringement of personal rights.

No. A legal review could show that the implemented solution from Microsoft mitigates the criminal offense under Section 201 of the German Criminal Code. However, it is certain that this solution does not collect GDPR-compliant consent, which means that there is still a risk of fines under the GDPR.

The consent given via Microsoft would probably not stand up in court, as it does not meet the conditions of consent under GDPR Art. 7. This also applies to the announced update from Microsoft (LINK) to require consent for the use of Copilot / Transcription.

  • Consent is easily documented and can be easily retraced at any time
  • Consent can be withdrawn at any time
  • It is „informed“, i.e. the information required by the GDPR is provided
  • It is voluntary in the context of the meeting and takes place without „group pressure“

myConsent goes three steps further than Microsoft’s solution and provides companies with an easy-to-implement and easy-to-manage solution for providing data protection-compliant consents for team recordings, transcriptions in meetings or the use of Copilot M365 in meetings.

The development of myConsent also takes into account the labour law requirements of works councils, which is why, for example, the consents are processed pseudonymously.

It is not to be assumed that Microsoft will provide a fully data protection compliant solution for this. To do so, many complex adjustments would have to be made to the M365 admin suite to enable companies to store consents in a way that is traceable and quickly retrievable, and to issue individual consents.

Microsoft appears to be taking a minimalist approach to meeting customer requirements, at least in part.

The recording function in Teams meetings is a popular feature that is becoming even more important, not least due to the increasing attention from CopilotM365. Now you might think: „Well, if I don’t have a works council, then I have nothing to worry about here“.

Unfortunately, that’s too short-sighted. The works council deals with issues such as employee monitoring and performance and behavior monitoring. In this respect, it is indeed correct that at least the recording of team meetings or the use of CopilotM365 in teams does not have to be examined separately for possible forms of performance and behavioral control.

However, data protection standards under the GDPR must be observed even without a works council. Even if the „supervisory body works council“ in the company no longer exists, the other supervisory body in the company, the „data protection officer“, must ensure that the privacy of individual employees is protected from a data protection perspective.

It is to be expected that the supervisory authorities will increasingly make use of their right to control the use of M365 in companies. Should this come to pass, a company must expect to be sanctioned not only with fines for having carried out countless meeting recordings without consent. This constitutes a multiple violation of the GDPR: Recording without consent and failing to report data protection incidents to the supervisory authority.

This is where myConsent closes the gap. The tool can be implemented in the company in a short space of time, stores all consents and revocations reliably and pseudonymized. It is individually configurable and complies with all important data protection standards in accordance with the GDPR. In particular: Recording is only technically possible after all consents have been received. This not only provides legal certainty but also trust.

Meeting participants retain their privacy at all times


Participants are free to decide whether or not they agree to the recording without having to fear any consequences.

Individual feedback is forwarded pseudonymously and can only be viewed in the event of a request for information. From the first objection, both participants and meeting organizers receive negative feedback directly to the recording of this specific meeting in the myConsent app.

myConsent lässt Teilnehmende, ohne Rückschlüsse für die User, abstimmen.

Feature Roadmap

Further development. Always up to date.

myConsent is constantly being further developed in order to always comply with current legal requirements.

1. Details of participants

To make it easier for meeting organizers to compare the number of consents and the number of participants, it is made clear whether participants are required or optional.

Administrators are given the opportunity to adapt the app to their own company environment in the best possible way.

Integration of a due diligence button for meeting organizers.

This allows them to document that they have compared the number of approvals with the actual number of participants.

The app uses intuitive colors such as red. However, these can be unfavorable for people with a red-green weakness.

Therefore, an inclusive view will be offered in the app settings.

The data protection-compliant integration and mapping of feedback from external participants outside the organization will be implemented in a future release.

In addition to organizational security, technical security is also planned:

The activation of the Teams recording function is dependent on the consents received. This ensures that the recording function can only be activated after a necessary and pre-defined amount of consents has been obtained.

Feature Roadmap visualisiert.

Individual customization/services.





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